
Tagbook publishing

Why We Need Queer Books (More Than Ever)


June has arrived, and with it, Pride Month 2024 has kicked off. Pride started in the 1970s to protest the treatment of queer people, both by law enforcement and society at large. The Stonewall Riots were the last straw for many queer people. They were frustrated by living in fear and denial, always under threat of violence from the state. Pride parades became a way of protesting this oppression...

Why Do People Like “Predictable” Romance Novels?


A friend and I were discussing this topic a little while ago. I’d seen a recent social media exchange about it. Some folks expressed disdain. They couldn’t understand why people would want to read “predictable” romance novels. Stop me if you’ve heard this one … (Summer Stock / Pexels.com) And that’s a fairly understandable stance. I mean, I roll my eyes at a lot of Harlequin-type...

End of the Year Wrapup: 2023


It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of yet another year. Most of us are already looking forward to 2024 and making plans, goals, and resolutions for the next twelve months.As we do that, though, it never hurts to look back at the year that was. Taking a moment to pause and think about what we did well, what we accomplished, and what we’d like to do differently is almost never a misstep.Of...

Why I Won’t Be Using AI Anytime Soon


AI is all the rage right now, owing largely to ChatGPT and Midjourney. While enthusiasts laud the capabilities of these new tools and call artists and authors “Luddites” for not adopting it, I think there are some very good reasons to steer clear of them right now. (Tara Winstead / Pexels.com) Here’s why I, as an author, won’t be using artificial intelligence to help me “write faster”—and why I...

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